Crazy cammy,
last time we talked I heard you did the whole "indepent play time thing"
which I really do think is prety awesome!
Here's a blog post of maybe some more ideas about that subject!
6 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted and cooled1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine butter, Nutella and chocolate syrup until smooth.
1/2 c Nutella
2 Tbsp chocolate syrup
1 egg
1/4 tsp vanilla
5 Tbsp all purpose flour
*Note: There is nothing in these that cannot safely be shared with younger eaters, but I recommend this for kids 12+ months due to the high sugar content. However old your eaters, be sure to serve them age appropriate servings. One brownie bite goes a long way for the little ones!"
Nutella Hot Chocolate
makes 1 cup
1 c milk
2 Tbsp Nutella
1. Combine milk and Nutella in a sauce pan over medium-low heat. Whisk until Nutella melts and milk gets hot.
Extra Rich Variation
Add 2 additional teaspoons Nutella and 1 tsp sweetened cocoa powder.
Cinnamony Variation
Add a cinnamon stick to the pot when making either the original or extra rich version. Once milk is hot, lower the heat and allow to simmer an extra 5 minutes.